Indigenous Peoples and Cultures

On my journeys I’ve found Indigenous Communities to be some of the warmest and friendliest people I’ve encountered. I’ve been fascinated by cultures and traditions far removed from the ‘western’ norm. Peoples, such as tribes in the Amazon Basin, are often considered ‘primitive’, but in my experience they often have a knowledge and understanding of how to live in harmony with our planet that far exceeds our own. Among them are some of the wisest people I’ve met. Indigenous communities and cultures have been under ‘assault’ for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. Examples such as ‘Conquistadors’ or the oppression of Australian Aboriginals are just the tip of the Iceberg. Across the world, indigenous communities are being forced from their lands and traditional lifestyles by large scale industrial interests – land clearance for agriculture, oil and mining operations. In many cases this is little less than genocide. I want to highlight the stories of many of those groups on this site.

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